We use the traditional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu belt progression system endorsed and recognized by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) so our students are able to track their personal progress and uphold the standards of our martial arts community. “Black Belt is our goal!”
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), referred to as the gentle art, is an effective grappling system for self-defense. It is practiced by people of all walks of life and has recently been getting a lot of attention by mixed martial arts organization like the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) for its effectiveness in combat.
BJJ focuses on defeating (aka submitting) opponents without using punches, kicks, or strikes of any kind. Instead, the BJJ practitioner relies on the execution of proper technique based on the concept of leverage to gain superior positioning over aggressors and eventually submitting them with immobilizing chokeholds and joint locks. This method of self-defense makes it possible for a smaller opponent to render bigger stronger opponents helpless.
At BETA Academy we teach a comprehensive grappling system based on a battle tested curriculum. In addition to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), which serves as the core of our curriculum, we blend techniques from other grappling arts such as Wrestling, Sambo, and Judo in order to develop well-rounded martial artists. In classes run by experienced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructors, students can practice at full speed and power in a safe and controlled environment. We encourage respectful sparring (aka rolling) against fellow students and instructors. This provides students with the opportunity to test and develop their skills under realistic conditions with minimal risk of injury.
At BETA, our success is completely and entirely tied to yours. We depend on our students for honest referrals earned by us delivering real results – it’s simply the best way to grow our community. Our singular purpose is to help our students, through martial arts, achieve the very best version of themselves, and we take great pride in seeing this to completion.
Martial arts training is even more fun with friends!
When you’ve met your goals, learned proper habits that work for you, and have established a proven path to continued physical and mental well-being, then we’ve both succeeded.
To that end, if you’re a prior or current student and wouldn’t mind sharing your experience at BETA with others, we’d greatly appreciate it! We’re immensely thankful for your support and wish you all the very best in your martial arts journey.
Please contact us via community@betaacademy.com to share your story with us!